I am a volunteer at James Hopkins Trust. I retired last year (2022) and always said I would do some volunteering work once retired. In 2022 my daughter and son-in-law had a gorgeous baby boy, Louie who was born with complex medical needs. He was referred to James Hopkins trust and was given respite once a week at Kites Corner, so I thought what better place to volunteer!
I go to Kites Corner once a week on a Friday to help make up the beds and get the bedrooms all cosy and welcoming for the children who are coming in for their overnight respite. I thoroughly enjoy volunteering at Kites Corners, the staff are so welcoming and make you feel very comfortable.
While volunteering for James Hopkins Trust you get to meet a lots of other lovely volunteers and make good friendships with them. I also help James Hopkins Trust by volunteering in the community such as bucket collections at local supermarkets and on stalls at local fundraising events. This is such a great way to meet so many kind and friendly people within the community.
I have met a lot of different people in lots of places which I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to do if I hadn’t been doing voluntary work for James Hopkins Trust. I thoroughly enjoy it!