
“Words cannot express how deeply thankful we are for the respite and care that you provide for our son Isaac. Without charities like you families like ours wouldn’t be able to cope! It's given us chance to spend time with our other children and to everyone at James Hopkins Trust you are all so close to our hearts you are OUR true hero's!!!!!!! Thank you so much xx”
Isaac’s Mum
“You lot aren’t just any nurses, you are JHT nurses and in my belief, you are a breed of your own. It takes a certain person to be a nurse, but it takes even more of a person to be a JHT nurse. Little Kites is definitely mine and Tommy’s happy place and there is very good reason for that. From the moment you open the door to us, your energy, love, enthusiasm and care envelope us. You treat the children like Kings and Queens and you slide into the parents hearts like no one else can. I have always noticed this ‘thing’ when I come into the centre. Sometimes on my darkest days – I sense that you just ‘know’. I don’t have to say a word. But you all seem to get it. There is no one like you lot and I will have an eternal appreciation for all that you do. Thank you.”
Tommy's Mum
"Thank you for looking after and loving our boy like he’s one of your own. We will always be forever grateful for the impact you’ve had and the memories you’ve made for us all…This also means that you’re partly to blame for his demanding ways and wicked sense of humour!! We will miss you a lot but we know that it’s time for Jax to start big school. Thank you all again. You’ve become his ‘Special Aunties of JHT’ and we appreciate you more than you’ll ever know.”
Jaxon’s Mum & Dad
“Thank you for everything you do for our family and all the families! You show such creativity and enthusiasm in all the activities each time and we really appreciate you all”
Paige’s Mum & Dad
“I can’t even find the words to thankyou enough for what you have done, not only for Darcie but for us as a whole family. How you have supported us through the most difficult things we have had to face. I want to thank you so much for supporting Darcie and helping her to grown into the most beautiful brave little girl she is. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for always being the ones to be a shoulder to cry on or listening whenever I needed someone to talk too.”
Darcie’s Mum
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