
So Much More Than Health Care

So Much More Than Health Care

So Much More Than Health Care At James Hopkins Trust, we are often perceived as somewhat of an enigma by the organisations that regulate and fund us. Are we Early Years childcare (Ofsted) or perhaps a hospice with health and nursing care (CQC)? The reality is that...

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The importance of routine

The Importance of Routine

The Importance of Routine It’s likely that many of us have some sort of routine, from a work routine, bedtime routine, or even a skincare routine. Routine is important to us all in different ways and for many reasons. In a nutshell, routine can help us with…...

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Jameshopkinstrust-10 things parents of dables children want you to knowx

10 things Parents of disabled children want you to know

1. They are a child. Being a child should come before their disability. Many fail to look beyond the wheelchair, NG tube and various other equipment. They fail to acknowledge that underneath all of that lies a child, a child that finds silly things funny, enjoys...

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National Siblings Day

National Siblings Day

This National Siblings Day, we’d like to take the time to celebrate the amazing siblings of our JHT children. We recognise that these children have had no choice but to help their parents care for their medically fragile brother or sister thus making them young...

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The Benefits of
Respite Care 

It is a common misconception that respite simply ‘provides families with a break’. Whilst there is some truth to that statement, many parents who care for children with life-threatening or life-limiting illness will tell you they seldom get a break. However, those...

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