Our relationship with the James Hopkins Trust spans almost 8 years now and as the Management PA of Holloway Friendly, I was both delighted & proud to announce to our team that we would be supporting them as our Charity of the Year again for 2024.
Our affiliation with eachother has grown beyond what some may deem as a company merely fulfilling their social/corporate responsibilities to somewhat of a friendship over the years. Whilst we move in different circles with what we do, with us being in the financial sector and James Hopkins Trust in the Third, providing free nurse-led respite to families with severely disabled, life-limited and life-threatened children. Ultimately our visions align, and we both strive to innovate for the future, we are constantly trying to find ways to improve what we do in order to best meet the needs of those we serve.
Through our collective efforts in fundraising, we have raised over £34,000 for JHT with an additional almost £20,000 raised through our trek across the Brecon Beacons in June. The James Hopkins Trust are happy to provide our staff members with the opportunity to visit Kites Corner to see first-hand the difference the money we raise can and will make. This not only allows our staff members to experience a sense of achievement but also further motivates them. The two combined serve as a powerful reminder of the impact we can achieve when we come together for a worthy cause.
We value the relationship we have formed with James Hopkins Trust and their staff and hope that it continues to prosper alongside our fundraising on their behalf.
Kate Franklin