
Compliments, Concerns and Complaints
At James Hopkins Trust we encourage feedback both good and bad from our families on the services and care that we provide. It is really important for us to know if your experience of James Hopkins Trust has met your expectations, or whether there is anything we can do to improve our services.
James Hopkins Trust pledges to:-
- Share feedback with staff
- Acknowledge all concerns/complaints within five working days of receiving them
- Respond to the complainant within 14 days
- Keep the person providing feedback informed of progress and the outcome
- Treat people fairly, politely and with respect
- Ensure that the individuals care and treatment will not be affected as a result of making a complaint
- Offer the opportunity to discuss the complaint with the Trust Manager
- Ensure appropriate action is taken following your complaint
You can let us know what you think in a number of ways
Talk with your child’s nurse or the senior nurse in charge about the standards of care your child receives, the environment, the staff, or any other aspect of James Hopkins Trust you wish to comment on. Please raise any areas of concern as we are very keen to address any issues you may have. Be assured that your child’s care and support will not be affected in any way if you need to raise issues. Feel free to tell us about anything you have particularly appreciated.
Note your comments on our leaflet available at Kites Corner – You may find it easier to simply complete our “Comments, Compliments and Complaints” leaflet and post your response in the box on the desk at reception (or hand it to any member of staff who will post it into the box for you).
Write to the Trust Director
By post – James Hopkins Trust, Kites Corner, North Upton Lane, Barnwood, GL4 3TR
By email – Click here
Participate in our Family questionnaires – these provide an opportunity for families attending James Hopkins Trust to comment on all aspects of the services we provide.
Whilst we strive to provide a high standard of care at all times in a clean and safe environment, there may be occasions when you feel unhappy with some aspect of the service you have received and we are very keen to learn from these occasions. All complaints will be taken seriously and investigated fully. If you wish to make a complaint, you can do so either verbally or in writing.
Verbal Complaints
Speak to a member of staff and tell them that you wish to make a complaint. Explain the issue that is concerning you, giving as much detail as possible. The person you speak to will make a note of what you have said and report it immediately to a member of the management team. They will then be able to deal with your complaint and put steps in place to improve our services for the future.
Formal Written Complaints
If you prefer to put your complaint in writing this can be in a letter addressed as follows:
Trust Director, James Hopkins Trust, Kites Corner, North Upton Lane, Barnwood, Gloucester, GL4 3TR or via email to the Trust Director – Click here. Please include as much details as possible in your letter/email.
The Trust Director, with the support of the Senior Management Team, will ensure your complaint is fully investigated and will write back to you addressing every issue you raise. We endeavour to resolve all complaints as quickly and effectively as possible (within 14 days).
Enquiry of Compliments, Concerns or Complaint.
Who else can you contact with comments, compliments or complaints?
The Care Quality Commission (CQC)
CQC is the independent regulator of health and adult social care services in England and, as such, regularly formally review the services we provide to ensure we are meeting essential standards of safety and quality. They are happy to receive any comments, compliments or complaints which help them to monitor the services provided. With regard to complaints, they do not deal with them individually but will note your concerns.
Care Quality Commission
PO Box 1245
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE99 5AF
03000 616161
Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted)
Ofsted registers and inspects childcare for children aged from birth to 17 years. As an Early Years Registered childcare provider, we have to meet requirements that relate to welfare, safety and the children’s learning and development. You are welcome to tell them anything about your child’s childcare.
Applications, Regulatory and Contact (ARC) Team
Piccadilly Gate
Store Street
M1 2WD
0300 123 1231
If you are not satisfied with the findings or outcome of your complaint, you have the right to refer the matter to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman at:
The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
Millbank Tower
0345 015 4033
Fundraising Regulator
The Fundraising Regulator investigates complaints about charitable fundraising where these cannot be resolved by organisations themselves; or where it has caused, or has the potential to cause, significant public harm.
Fundraising Regulator, Eagle House, 167 City Road, London, EC1V 1AW
0300 999 3407 (Monday to Friday 09.30 am – 4.30 pm)
Duty of Candour
James Hopkins Trust prides itself in having an honest and open approach with the families that use our services. At James Hopkins Trust we always strive to provide the best possible care and to prevent incidents from occurring, unfortunately, there are times when things are missed or go wrong with the treatment or care of their children. On those rare occasions we will:
- Tell you (the parent/carer) what has happened and apologise
- Provide you with a full and true account of all the known facts
- Explain any immediate actions taken to address the consequences of the incident and advise what else we intend or need to do
- Provide reasonable support to you and/or your family
- Share our findings with you
- Identify the cause(s) of the incident
- Let you/and or your family ask any questions
- Undertake further investigation and then write to you to confirm the information already provided to date, plus the outcome of the investigation and offer a further apology
A copy of our Duty of Candour policy is available on request.